Corona or Covid
There seems to be a widespread confusion about when to use the term Corona or Covid and what these terms actually mean. So please let me explain:
The virus is named “Corona”. The long name is: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
The disease is called Corona
So what is then “Covid”?
Covid is actually just a piece of paper telling that a person has received a Corona vaccination, e.g. a vaccination document or vaccinatio0n passport.
“Covid” stands for:
Corona Vaccination Identity Document
What is “Covid-19”?
The figure “19” just refers to the corona pandemic which started in 2019.
It is strange to see that the name of the ID document has taken over and is widely used instead of the proper name of the disease, e.g. corona, even when searching on Google and various health sites, even official ones, on internet.
Dr. Qanita