Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad,
the fourth Caliph
After the demise of the third Khalifa, hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, was elected the fourth khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Community the 10th of October 1982.
Through extensive sacrifices from the Community during his time, the plans for the 100-year anniversary were not only able to be completed, but far surpassed.
The Holy Qur’an has been translated to more than 100 big languages in the world and hundreds of mosques have been built around the world etc. He also continues the tradition of his predecessors to personally travel around to visit the Communities in different countries.
I met him for the first time in Rabwah, Pakistan, before he became a Caliph. I hope to come back with more detailed articles about this. He was very important to me, among other things because my two translations of the Holy Qur’an were published under his leadership.
I wrote this article about his Holiness Hadrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, in 1989 in Swedish for the Aktiv Islam, Jubilee edition, printed 1990, see link below.
Here I also attach two more articles, one in Swedish about the Islamic Governance, written by me, and an article about the fourth Khalifa, written in English by imam Kamal Yousuf, Missionary in Charge in Sweden at that time. I do not have the English version, but attach the Swedish translation done by E. Löftgren. Both these articles were published the Aktiv Islam, Jubilee edition, printed 1990, see links below.
Dr. Qanita
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, article