Abdul Wahid Khan
Abdul Wahid Khan was born in Partiala, but migrated to Qadian. Later on he fled to Lahore in Pakistan during the civil war between India and Pakistan in 1947. He served Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masih II for many years. He passed away May 18, 1987.
When young I met him in Lahore and Rabwah, Pakistan, and I was so impressed by his humble and dedicated personality. He gave me two bottles of perfume, made by his own hand, one was Jasmine and the other was Musk-Amber. My conversations with him remain as unforgettable memories.
Two articles are presented here in translation, both written by his son Abdur Rauf Khan, at present living in Sweden. One was originally published in the magazine Badr Weekly, Qadian, India, August 1987 and the other one Al-Huda of Majlis Ansarullah Sweden. August- October 2008.
Dr. Qanita, Sweden
The article published in the magazine Badr Weekly, Qadian, India,
English translation:
Dear Beloved Father
By Dr. Abdul Raoof Khan PhD Sweden
English translation from Urdu
Our dear father Abdul Wahid Khan sahib of Dilkusha Perfumery Company of Qadian passed away on May 18. “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will return.” Though our hearts are saddened by the departure of this beloved person, we are pleased with the decree of Allah and say:
The caller is he dearest of all
Oh heart! You sacrifice yourself to Him
We request members of Jama’at Ahmadiyya to pray for our beloved father that May Allah the almighty treat him with forgiveness and grant him lofty status in paradise Ameen.
Everyone must leave this temporary world and present himself in front of Allah the Almighty. But loss of my father is a loss of a person who was praying for us.
Since my childhood, I have never seen my father missing Tahajjud prayers. In Qadian as well as in Lahore after the migration, he was regular in salatul Ishraaq (optional prayer after sun rises)and very regular in congregational prayers as well. In Qadian he used to lead prayers. There was a small mosque in Noor hospital near our house in Darul-Uloom, my father used to lead Maghreb and Isha prayers in that mosque and strictly emphasized his children the importance of congregation prayers over play and was very watchful about it. He used to offer his Zuhr and Asr prayers either in Masjid Aqsa or Masjid Mubarak in Qadian.
Many times it happened that he was awakened by a tender touch of a hand for Tahajjud. He experienced this touch many times. This touch to wake him up was not any of us.
Here is an anecdote about his Tahajjud prayers which he has noted down in his diary. He writes:
In the years 1921-22, when he was in Patiala, my grandfather whose name was Karam Baksh, he used to go and sit in the Mosque morning and evening. He had a weak eyesight because of his old age. When he will do ablution in the Mosque, very often he will spill water on the shoes of other people in the mosque and sometimes even spit on it. So, I used to put my shoes in the adjacent room of the mosque. One day it was 2 o’clock midnight and full moon as if it was daylight during the night. I came to the mosque for Tahajjud, when I started taking my shoes off, I was thinking who can wet my shoes at his time. So, I put my shoes outside instead of putting in the room. I started praying 2 nafil of prayers. As I hardly finished Surah Fatiha in my first rak’at and began Surah Ikhlas, the bright light of the moon dimmed and when after completing my two sajdah I stood up for second raka’at , I heard a low sound of thunder of clouds. As I was going in ruku, little rain started. When finished my two Sajida and sat for attahiyyat, clouds disappeared. By the time I finished my prayers, there was again bright moonlight as before. There was no trace of clouds in the sky. I couldn’t see any drop of rain on the floor either, only my shirt was wet and my shoes were wet. To see this miracle of Allah, I realized, Allah can do what he wants and where He wants.
My father had an opportunity to work in the business of Hadhrat Musleh Maood r.a for 10 years. In those days, hudhur used to call my father after isha prayers and would be busy with my father until 11 pm. During these 10 years, hudhur never expressed even a small feeling of frustration. This affectionate companionship lasted for 10 years. I doubt if anyone else was lucky enough to have that experience. Alhamdolillah.
There is another incident of love and affection of Hadhrat Musleh Maood r.a, he relates, when I built my house in Qadian, Usually, people would ask hudhur for prayers so I did too. Hudhur knew that on this occasin, swetmeets of worth 30-40 rupees will be distributed. So instead of Hudhur coming and laying the foundation stone, he asked for a brick to be brought to him so he can pray on it to be put in the foundation. I sent that brick inside for Hudhur (with zainub Begum daughter of Dr Hashmatullah khan sb) when my aunt brought that brick back, hudhur sent a Rs 100 note and said use this in the building of your house. One can not imagine the happiness because of this unexpected financial help.
One can imagine how big this monetary contribution was in those days when it cost Rs2700 to build the house. Hadhrat Musleh Maood r.a had a God given insight, he would gauge the honesty even in poverty and would be ever faithful to him.
My father was very fond of doing Tabligh. On the appeal of Hadhrat Musleh Maood, he dedicated 2 months to take part in the efforts against Shuddhi campaign in Malkana.
There are many faith inspiring incidents during this time and has lengthy details, so I will skip that. Every time by the Grace of Allah the Almighty he won the argument.
Whenever tabligh day was celebrated in Qadian, he will go village to village to fulfill his duty and very often he will bring me along. After migration, this continued in Lahore as well.
The nursery which was started by my father with the grace of Allah hadbecome fruitful trees. One such family is respected brother Naik Muhammad Khan sahib who has surpassed in goodness and righteousness, and he has a relationship of love and sincerity with all children.
My father had a great love for Hadhrat Masih Maood a.s. He always had his books under his study. In spite of the financial hardship, he purchased a set of his books for home, and he would read them and asked us to read as well. Unfortunately, during partition, this treasure was left in Qadian.
He wrote that once I had a dream that I am in a room, and Hadhrat Masih Maood a.s is also in the same room, he is asking me to type an article, he is also writing an article. Ink was in one of the cabinets, he dips his pen in it and then writes it and walk on the other side and at the same time dictating me as well and kept on typing. When I completed one page, I took it out of the typewriter, hudhur looked at it and was happy with it. He said with force that “Abdul Wahid you have to stay with us.”
I woke up after this. These words carry so much happiness for me that one can’t fathom. It was like hudhur gave me a certificate for staying in Ahmadiyyat forever.
My father passed away on May 18, 1987, it was 21 of Ramadan. He was Moosi and was buried in Bahishti Maqbra. I pray that May Allah treat him with forgiveness and grant him place below the feet of Hadhrat Masih Maood a.s and enable us to follow his footsteps to worship and May He be our protector Amin.
Dr. A. Rauf Khan, Sweden
Badr Weekly Qadian Published on August 27,1987
English translation: Aqila Lahaye, Canada
The article published in the magazine Badr Weekly, Qadian, India, Urdu:
آہ ! پیارے ابا جان
ہمارے پیارے ابا جان عبد الواحد انن احب آ ااکشاپر ھیومری مپنی اداانن ! 81 مئی کو بقضا ء ا ی لہٰ ور ر ت
پا گئے ۔ انا اللہ ت انا الیہ راجعون ۔ اگر چہ ہمارے ال اس پیار ہستی کی جدائی مغموم ہیں لیکن ہم سب اللہ تعالیٰ کی رضاء ر راضی
ہیں اتر یہی کہتے ہیں ۔
بلانے تاور ہے سب سے پیارا اسی پہ اے ال تو جان فدا کر
اٰتر احباب جماعت سے ارامندانہ اعا کی ارخواست کرتے ہیں کہ اللہ تعالیٰ قبلہ تالد احب سے کمال مغفر کا سلوک فرمائے
اتر انہیں جنت الفراتس اعلےٰ مقام عطا فرمائے ۔آمین۔
یو ں تو ہر شخص نے ایک نا ایک ان اس انیا ئے نی کو ھوڑ کر داا تعالیٰ ے ضورر اضر نا ہے لیکن تالد احب کی جدائی ہمارے
لئے ایک عظیم اعا گو ہستی کی جدائی ہے انکسار نے جب سے ش سنبھالی ہے کبھی ایسا نہیں ایکھا کہ تالد احب نے نماز تہجد
کبھی ناغہ کیا ۔ اداانن بھی باادعدہ اتر ہجر ے بعد ور ر بھی ۔ علاتہ تہجد ے نماز اشراق بھی باادعدی سے ڑھتے ۔
نماز باجماعت کی پاپند کرتے ۔ اداانن بھی امامت ے فرائض تالد احب ہی انجام ایتے ۔
ہمارے گھر تاقع اارالعلوم ے پاس نور ہسپتال ایک ھوڑٹی سی مسجد تھی جس تالد احب اکثر نماز رب ب اتر ا ء ء ڑھتےتے
اتر ہم بچوں کو بھی ختی سے تلقین کرتے کہ کھیل کوا سے زاناہ ر تر نماز باجماعت ہے اس کی باادعدہ نگرانی بھی کرتے ۔ عصر اتر
ظہر کی نمازیں ی ڑھتے ان مسجد باررک ۔
ان تو مسجد ا
کئی بار ایسا ا کہ تہجد کی نماز ے لئے آپ کو نہایت شفقت سے اپنے ہاتھ سے کوئی اٹھاتا جس ے ہاتھوںں کو آپ نے کئی بار اپنے
ماتھے ر محسوس بھی کیا ۔ اتر یہ بیدار کرنے تالے ہاتھ ہم سے کسی ے نہ تھے ۔ تہجد کی نماز کا ہی ایک تاہ ہے کہ قبلہ
8228 کا تاہ ہے کہ پٹیالہ تھے میرے اااا جان جن کا نام کرم بخش تھا – تالداحب نے اپنی ڈائر تحریر کیا لکھتے ہیں 22
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تہ اکثر مسجد صبح شام بیٹھ جاان کرتے تھے بڑتے پے کی تجہ سے ان کی نظر کمرتر تھی جب تہ مسجد نماز ے لئے تضو کرتے تو اکثر
تیوں پانی گراکر نمازیو ں کی تیاں گیلی کر ایتے اتر بعض اتاد تھوںک بھی ایتے۔ اسی تجہ سے اپنی تی اکثر مسجد سے
ملحق حجرے رکھا کرتا تھا ۔ ایک را ات بجے کا تقت تھا پورا چاند آسمان ر رتشن تھا گوان را کو ان کا سما ں تھا ۔ نماز تہجد ے
لئے مسجد آان ۔ جب تی اتارنے گا تو ال بڑ ضبوطی سے یہ یالل زرا کہ اس تقت کون ہے میر تی بھگو سکتا ہے۔
چناچہ نے تی اندر رکھنے کی بجائے باہر ہی رکھ ا اتر مسجد جا کر ات رکعت نماز ے لئے نیت باندھ لی ۔ ابھی ہلی ہی رکعت
الحمد شریف ختم کرنے ے بعد اتسر سور قل ھو اللہ ڑھ ھ رہا تھا کہ چاند کی رتشنی مدہم ڑھ گئی ات سجدے کرنے ے بعد
اتسر رکعت ے لئے کھڑا ا تو ہلکی سی باال گرجنے نے کی آتاز آئی ۔ پھر رکوع جاتے تقت ہلکی ہلکی بارش نے لگی جب
اتنوں سجدے کر ے التحیا بیٹھا تو باال غائب گئے ۔ سلام پھیرنے تک اسی طرح چاند کی رتشنی سے ان چڑتے ا تھا جس
طرح پہلے آسمان ر ذرا سا نشان بھی باالوں کا نہیں تھا نا ہی مسجد ے فرش ر کوئی قطرہ بارش کا اکھائی اان ۔ صر میرا قمیض بھیگا ا تھا
۔ اتر تی جہا ں رکھی تھی تہ بھی بھیگی ئی تھی اللہ تعالیٰ کی یہ قدر نمائی ایکھ کر بہت یراان ا کہ اللہ تعالیٰ چاہے جب
چاہے کر سکتا ہے۔
تالد ح الموعوا
ہ المسیح الثانی ا
لی فت
احب کو زائد از اس سال حضر رٰضی اللہ عنہ ے تجارتی کارتبار بطور ملازم کام کرنے کا
موقع ملا اس زمانہ ضورر تالد احب کو ا ءء کی نماز ے بعد طلب فرمالیتے اتر پھر را گیارہ گیارہ بجے تک تالد احب ے
ساتھ کام مشغول رہتے ۔ ان اس سالوں ایک ان بھی ایسا نہیں آان کہ ضورر نے کسی با ر خفیف سی رنجش کا اظہار بھی کیا
۔ یہ محبت بھر اتر شفقت سے ر صحبتوں کا سلسلہ اس سال تک جار رہا ۔ کہ شاید ہی کسی اتر کو نصیب ا لحمد للہ رب
ح الموعو ا رضی
العالمین ۔ ضورر ا اللہ عنہ کی شفقت اتر محبت کا ایک تاہ تالد احب یوں بیان کرتے ہیں کہ جس تقت نے
اداانن اپنا مکان بنواان تھا تو اس کو شرتع کرنے ے لئے جیسے اتسرے لوگ اعا کراتے تھے نے بھی کرتانی تھی اب نکہ
ضورر کو بھی علم تھا کہ اس موہ ر یو نہی تیس چالیس رتپے کی مٹھائی تقسیم جاتی ہے اس تاسطے بجائے اس ے کہ ضورر اس جگہ
تشریف ورتے جہا ں مکان کی بنیاا رکھنی تھی ۔ ضورر نے اعا ے لئے اینٹ اند ر منگوا لی ے اس ر اعا کر ات ں گا ۔ پھر بنیاا رکھ
اینا تو نے تہ اینٹ ضورر کی دامت اند ر بھیج ا ) زینب بیگم بنت حضر ڈاکٹر حشمت اللہ انں احب ے ہاتھ ( جب
پھوپھی جان یہ اینٹ اعا ے بعد تاپس ورئیں تو ان ے ہاتھ ضورر نے 811 رتپیہ کا نو ٹ بھیج اان۔ اتر فرماان کہ یہ میر طر سے
مکان کی تعمیر شامل کر لے اس اچانک امداا سے خوشی سکتی تھی اس کا اندازہ گا نا مشکل ہےاٰس گرانقد ر امداا کی نوعیت
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اندازہ اس سے گا لے ے اس زمانے سارے مکان کی تعمیر ر -/ 2011 ح الموعوا رضی اللہ
رتپے خرچ ئے تھے ضورر ا
عنہ کی نظر دااااا تھی ۔ غربت بھی ااننت اار اتر ایمان اار کو بھانپ لیتے تھے ۔ اتر پھر اس سے ہمیشہ ت کرتے تھے ۔
قبلہ تالد احب کو تبلیغ کا بہت شوق تھا ۔ حضر اٰ
ح الموعوا رضی اللہ عنہ کی تحریک ر ات ماہ ے تقف
ر تحریک شدھی
ے خلا جہاا حصہ لینے ے لئے ملکانہ گئے ۔ اس زمانہ ے متعدا تاقعا نہایت ایمان افرتز ہیں جن کی تفصیل لمبی ہے اس لئے
ھوڑ تا ں ہربار ہی داا تعالیٰ ے فضل سے میدا ن تالد احب ے ہاتھ رہا۔ اداانن جب کبھی یوم التبلیغ مناان جاتا تو گاؤں
گاؤں پھر کر اس فریضہ کو ااا کرتے اتر اکثر مجھے بھی ساتھ لے جاتے پھر ہجر ے بعد ور ر بھی تبلیغ کا بھی سلسلہ جار رہا ۔
اللہ تعالیٰ ے فضل اتر رحم نے جن پواتں کو گلشن احمد گا ئے جانے کا ذریعہ تالد احب کو بناان تہ اب بارآتر ارخت ہیں جن
ایک گھرانہ ان ص طور ر ادبل ذکر ہے یعنی براارم مکرم نیک محمد انن احب اپنے نام کی یکی اتر تقو ی اعلیٰ نمونہ ہیں اتر ہم
سب بچوں سے نہایت ارجہ اخلاص اتر محبت کا تعلق رکھتے ہیں الحمد اللہ ۔
تالد و ۃ تالسلام سے عشق کی حد تک محبت تھی ضور
احب کو حضر اقدس المسیح الموعوا علیہ ا ر کی کتب ہمیشہ مطالعہ ر ہیں
با ت ا یہ کہ اداانن تنگی کا زمانہ تھا آپ نے ضورر کی کتب کا سیٹ خرید کر گھر رکھا تھا اتر یہ کتب ہمیشہ خوا بھی ڑھتے اتر
ہمیں بھی ڑھھنے کو ایتے ۔ اسوسس ے یہ یمتی زاانہ تقسیم لک ے تقت اداانن ہی رہ گیا ۔ لکھتے ہیں ایک ری میں نے خواب
ہ ہیں ضورر مجھ سے ایک ضمونن ائپ کرتا ہ ں اتر حضر مسیح موعوا علیہ السلام بھی اسی ایکھا کہ ایک
ہ ے ایک طر المار رکھی ئی ہے ۔ لم اس رہے ہیں ۔ ضورر ساتھ ضمونن لکھتے بھی جاتے ہیں ۔اس طر ح ے اتا
سیاہی سے بھرتے ہیں اتر پھر لکھتے لکھتے اتسر طر چلے جاتے ہیں۔ مجھے بھی بول کر لکھواتے جاتے ہیں ائپ کرتا جاتا
ں جب ایک صفحہ ختم ا تو نے تہ ائپ سے نکاور ضورر نے اس کو ایکھا ۔ ایکھ کر خوش ئے ۔ مجھےٰ
بڑ ہ
حد سے فرماان” عبد
الوحد تم نے ہمارے ساتھ رہنا ہے ۔ ”
اس ر میر آ نکھ کھل گئی ۔ ان الفاظ اس قدر خوشی بھر ئی تھی کہ جس کا اندازہ نہیں سکتا گوان کہ ضورر نے ایک طرح
سے میرے لئے ہمیشہ احمدیت ااخل رہنے کا سرٹیفکیٹ اے اان ۔
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تالد احب 81 مئی 8210 کو فو ئے یہ 28 رمضان تھا ۔ بوجہ موصی نے ے بہشتی مقبرہ افن ئے۔ اللہ تعالیٰ سے اعا ہے کہ تہ تالد احب سے کمال مغفر ے سلوک فرمائے اتر انہیں حضر المسیح الموعو ا علیہ السلام ے قدموں جگہ عطا
فرما ئےاتر ہمیں بھی ہمیشہ ان ے نقش قدم ر چلتے ئے عباا اتر رانضت کی توفیق بخشے اتر ہر آن اضفظ ت ناصر ۔ آمین ۔
The article published in the magazine Al-Huda, Sweden.
English translation:
Beautiful Memories
By Respected Dr Abdul Rauf Khan sahib
A representative of ‘Al-Huda’ a periodical of Majlis Ansarullah Sweden, asked to write my memories about khilafat. I told him I am neither a writer nor such person who have any treasures of memories which I can put into writing. On this occasion I was reminded of a couplet by Hadhrat Hafiz Mukhtar Ahmad Shahjehanpuri, a companion of Promised messiah AS:
I got a chance, why shouldn’t I write my autobiography
I am being asked if I know any story?
I was born in Qadian, I saw some time of the khilafat of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih saani r.a. Then I watched the era of Hadhrat Khalifa-tul Masih saalis r.a. Then I have gone through the times of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Fourth r.a so couple of incidents which I remember related to Khulafaa of Ahmadiyya, I will relate with a context. This way, readers will get a glimpse of the history of that time.
My father Abdul Wahid Khan sahib came to Qadian after migrating from Patiala to live with his uncle Dr Hashmatullah Khan sb r.a.
In those days, Hadhrat Musleh Maood was interested in some business matters. He started a company named Eastern Trading Co. Qadian and hired my father for this company.
For some reason this company could not survive. Then he started a company, ‘Dilkusha perfumery company Qadian’. This company would prepare perfumes and scented oils according to Hudhur’s recipes.
Since Qadian was a small town and majority of its residents were poor, so this company would sell its products by arranging stall in big fairs and exhibitions in India. My father used to tell that in the preparation of its products, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih himself used to participate. My father served Hudhur in this capacity for 10 years. He used to say that Hudhur will call him every night after Isha Prayers and then they work until 10:30-11:00 pm. Most of the time my father was with Hudhur but sometimes Mehmood Shah sahib would be there too.
My father relates that in these long ten years
It never happened that Hudhur expressed his displeasure. Hudhur will participate himself and due to his enthusiastic nature, he never felt tired. This affectionate relationship continued for 10 years. After migrating to Pakistan, Hudhur will ask Dr Hashmatullah khan sb about my well being.
Sometimes my father will hand me a letter to present it to Hudhur. I was around 7-8 years old. With the letter I went through the stairs of Masjid Mubarak upto the roof. I knocked the door of Umme Waseem( who was called Apa Aziza) After getting permission I went into the courtyard, I saw Hadhrat Musleh Maood r.a sitting there. Most probably it was winter and he was sitting in the sun. I presented my father’s letter to Hudhur. He opened it and read it right away.
My father had written in it that Hudhur should listen to my Tilawat Quran. Hudhur said ok then recite Tilawat Quran. I recited verses 79-89 of Surah Bani Israel. Hudhur was pleased with my Tilawat and gave me some cash as a prize. I gave that money to my father when I came back. Everyone in the family was ecstatic. It didn’t end there, during my recitation, Hudhur kept on smiling and because of his graciousness, it opened the way for me to recite Tilawat of the Holy Quran.
I was asked everyday to do do Tilawat during the morning assembly of Talim-ul-Islam high school Qadian. I would always recite Verses 79-82 of Surah Bani Israel. There was another student who also used to recite but I don’t remember his name. He was one class senior from me and he used to recite first few verses of Surah Kahaf. This continued until migration from Qadian.
After migrating to Pakistan, we lived in the Cement Building, Lahore, which was across Ratan Bagh. I completed my Fsc in Diyal Singh college Lahore and took admission in B Pharmacy class. When I had part one exam, I did good in my written exam as well as practical. After that in viva, I couldn’t answer one question properly. Internal examiner Professor Mehboob Rabbani sb was very upset with me. I was very scared because if according to the law of University, if he would fail me, I would have failed in part one. I was very depressed. I went home and wrote a letter to Hadhrat Khalifatul Mash Saani with all the details and requested for prayers.
Luckily Hudhur was in Ratan Bagh and came to lead Zuhr prayers. When he finished prayers and on his way back home , he passed by me I put that letter in Hudhur’s coat pocket. Allah the Almighty accepted his prayers I passed the exam.
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Saani travelled to Sindh, Karachi and Delhi with his companions in 1938. When Hudhur went to see the castle of Tughlaq , he was very sad to see the decline of Muslims.
At that time, Allah informed him of a strange spiritual world. Hudhur started a chain of addresses about it which is known as ‘ sair-e-rohani’ “
Dr. A. Rauf Khan, Sweden
Al-Huda magazine of Majlis Ansarullah Sweden. August- October 2008
Thanks to Aqila Lahaye, Canada for her English translation.
The article published in the magazine Al-Huda, Sweden. Urdu: