Permission to officiate legal marriages
in Denmark and Sweden 1976-1977
In most non-Muslim countries and some Muslim ones, a couple who wish to get married need to perform two ceremonies, one religious, e.g. the Nikah, and one legal civil marriage ceremony by a wedding officiant at the Town Hall or some similar locality.
In Denmark, imam Kamal Yusuf had obtained a permission, given by the Danish Government, to officiate marriages according to the Islamic tradition and ritual in the Nusrat Djahan Mosque, in Denmark.
In 1976-1977 the time for the application had come to Sweden. In order to help imam Kamal Yusuf apply for this permit to officiate marriages, I made a draft for a letter to be sent to the Department of Justice of the Swedish Government. My draft is attached here – see link below.
May I also add that it was a great pleasure to learn that the permit to officiate legal marriages was given to imam Kamal Yusuf, so that a couple married by him only needed one ceremony, e.g. the one in the mosque, and the visit to the Town hall could be omitted.
As far as I know, no other Missionary in Scandinavia, but imam Kamasl Yusuf, has been granted this honorable position.
Dr. Qanita