Hadhrat Nur-ud-Din, the first Caliph
I wrote this article about his Holiness Nur-ud-Din, in 1989 for the Aktiv Islam, Jubilee edition, printed 1990.
After the demise of the Promised Messiah, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, the26th of May 1908, Hadhrat Nur-ud-Din was elected to be the first Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at. He was the Head of the initially small Jama’at until his demise. He was not only a religious scholar of the highest rank, but a famous medical doctor and life physician at the court of the Maharaja of Jammu. India.
When he heard about the Promised Messiah, he traveled to Qadian, and after seeing the Promised Messiah, he resigned from his high position in order to stay in the nearness of his Master, in the same way that Jesus’ disciples had once done some 1400 years ago.
Dr. Qanita