Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, the second Caliph
After the demise of the first Khalifa, hadhrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad was elected the second Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Jama’at.
He laid the foundation of the orgnisation of the Jam’at, in which women and men alike, as well as children and young ones could grow and develop in moral and spiritual respects, and learn to serve humanity. He served the Ahmadiyya Jama’at as its Khalifa until he passed away 52 years later.
I arranged this article about his Holiness Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad (12.01.1889-08.11.1963), in 1989 for the Aktiv Islam, Jubilee edition, printed 1990.
Dr. Qanita