German Lajnah, the start
The German Lajnah was started in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, the 6th of October 1973. Among the present ladies, apart from myself and Hidayyat Begum, was also Begum Abdul Haq Khalid.
On this occasion I was elected the first nationl Sadr Lajnah in Germany and Hidayet Begum, later on wife of Hidayatullah Hübsch the national Lajnah General Secretary. The election was conducted under the chairmanship of Fazl Ihahi Anweri, the Missionary-in-Charge at that time, and the result of the election was sent to our Center in Rabwah and hadhrat Mariyam Siddiqa, who was then the President for all Lajnahs all over the world, approved of these officeholders in writing.
Previously I had been the national sadr of Denmark and Hidayet Begum the national sadr of Mauritius.
At this time, e.g. 1973, there were fourteen Ahmadi ladies all together, originating from Egypt, Indonesia, Germany, Ghana, Mauritius, Pakistan and Sweden, living in different places all over Germany.
Dr. Qanita