Dr. Malik Bashir Ahmad Nasir
and his wife Amatul Hafeez,
a biography
Dr. Malik Bashir Ahmad Nasir was a Darwesh from Qadian, with all that implies when it comes to deep devotion to Ahmadiyyat. He had his own clinic in Qadian from 1958 to 2010.
He married Amatul Hafeez in 1953 (see her own biography in the Urdu link here below) and got five daughters and an adopted son.
The names of their children:
1.Bushra Sadiqa, w/o late Khawaja Daood Ahmed sb, Canada. (She wrote the article in Urdu, see link here below.
2. Aziza Mubarka Ali, w/o Dr Jaffer Ali, USA.
3. Siddiqa Qaisra, w/o Abdul Basit Tariq Shiekhupura, Pakistan.
4. Aqila Iffat LaHaye, Canad. (She wrote the article in English, see
link here below.
5. Farida Iffat Rizwan, w/o Dr Anwar Ahmad Rizwan, Canada.
6. Tayyab Ahmad Younus Malik, (adopted son), Canada
His wife passed away in 1987 and one of his daughters, Aqila LaHaye, stayed on in Qadian to take care of him. Only when she got married and moved to Canada, he re-married. Aqila is one of the dearest and closest friends of mine and I have known her since we were young.
I stayed as guest in his house a couple of times. Once when my friend was still young and living at home and one more time when I visited Qadian at the same time as she had come home from Canada where she lives now. Thus I had a chance to spend more time with her.
Please read the two articles about him here below, one written in English by my dear friend and the other one in Urdu written by his daughter Bushra Sadiqa. The English article was first published in the Canadian Ahmadiyya Gazette in May 2022, and the Urdu article was first published in The Daily Al-Fazl in August 2020.
Dr. Qanita
Amatul Hafeez
My Father, My Hero
Dr. Malik Bashir Ahmad Nasir