An incredible story
– my first visit to Benin, in West Africa
At one time in my life I was eager to work abroad, to see if I at the same time could serve Ahmadiyyat, the true Islam, by cooperating with the local mission and propagate Ahmadiyyat. In my search for job advertisements abroad, my eyes fell on an ad regarding a job as a medical doctor in Cotonou, Benin, Africa.
After some negotiation regarding salary etc, I told that I would like to see the place and they offered to pay my air ticket, and all costs during my stay in Benin etc. – but they suggested I forwarded the money, which would be paid to be along with my first salary pay out.
It all seemed very sincere, so I did not get suspicious but bought my ticket and went to Benin. Luckily I had contacted the missionary and the Ahmadiyya Mission in advance, please see attached letter, e.g. the first letter I wrote to the Missionary Mr. Asif Dar in Benin. (Nowadays I think he and his family are residing in Pakistan). On arrival the missionary actually picked me up at the airport and I was invited to stay in the home of his family.
The following day, he suggested he would first go to the hospital and arrange an appointment for me to see someone in charge, who could arrange for me to be shown around. Just imagine my astonishment when he returned and told me it was all a fraud. There was no job for me. Evidently the culprits had hoped to get some money from me in advance, so that was the purpose behind the ad.
The missionary and is family so very kindly offered me to stay with them the whole week and also took me for sightseeing around Benin where I had never been before.
I am really so thankful for their help!
Later I found a film about Ahmadiyyat in Benin, please see attached link.
Since I am also an author, after coming home, I wrote a crime novel, using this story to start up the drama. It was later published in Swedish in four formats, eg. hardcover, paperback, e-book and as an audio book.
Dr. Qanita
Letter to Mr. Asif Dar, missionary, in English: 070731 Mr. Asif Dar, Benin
Link to a film about Ahmadiyyat in Benin, in English: