Remembering Hadrat Choti Appa on the occasion of the 100 years jubilee of Lajnah Ima’Illah Lajnah Ima’illah was started in December 25, 1922 in Qadian and when the time for its 50…
Read more...Category: Sweden
My Way
My way About my conversion to Ahmadiyyat the 22nd of July 1967 I was studying pedagogic and the English language, literature, phonetics etc for my MA in English at the Lund university…
Read more...Aktiv Islam (Active Islam)
Aktiv Islam (Active Islam) The bi-monthly, multilingual magazine Aktiv Islam (Active Islam) was started by Saif-ul-Islam Mahmud Eriksson (Gunnar Hugo Eriksson, Sweden) in Sweden. In the beginning it was named Ahmadiyya Bulletin,…
Read more...Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan
Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan I had the great honour of meeting Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan personally three times, first two times in Copenhagen, Denmark, and then a third time in Frankfurt am…